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BIAV preparing for State Elections

The BIAV have said, “With the state election just 17 days away BIAV is liaising with both sides of the parliament, with a view to some strong commitments for boaters for the 2022 to 2026 period. In coming days we expect to hear from the Minister Sonya Kilkenny, and the Shadow Minister Bill Tilley in relation to what they can do for boaters for the four year period, and what legacy effect they could have. We will bring that to you, as well as to the tens of thousands of boaters on our database and social media, as soon as it lands! In summary what we’ve sought from them is –

  • To guarantee that every cent of fees from Boat Registration and Marine Licence is ‘hypothecated’, and goes into a better Boating Fund. That being the case, every cent goes in, regardless of who is in power, who is the Treasurer or Minister, and is then used as it should be. This has been a wishlist item for BIAV and boaters for decades this is a great chance for it to be delivered.
  • Improved and centralised management of boat ramp facilities to deliver the user needs based requirements in relation to dredging, safety, maintenance, upgrades, and expansions.
  • More parking at Boat Ramps!. An additional 1,500 Car Trailer Units in the Central Coastal Region. This is no doubt the number one need of boaters and what we’d like to see.
  • Support for an industry Centre of Excellence for education, skills and apprenticeships”.