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Rescue & Services

New emergency rescue boat for Tumby Bay

The South Australian State Emergency Service (SASES) will commission a new $500,000 rescue boat for the Tumby Bay SES Unit.

Built by Lonsdale-based manufacturer Nautic Star, the purpose-designed and built vessel will be officially launched on Saturday, 14 October, becoming the latest addition to the rescue fleet operating in South Australian waters.

Chris Beattie, Chief Officer of the SASES said the vessel represented a valuable investment in the safety of people boating or recreating within the primary response area of lower western Spencer Gulf, as well as providing support to marine operations in other areas.

“The vessel is also capable of providing valuable support to marine rescue operations in other areas, which is important given the remoteness of some waters adjacent to Eyre Peninsula,” he said.

“The updated design and equipment on the boat will improve our search capability which is vital to our mission of keeping the community safe and providing a timely and efficient response to incidents.”

“It also means that our volunteers will be able to operate more safely for longer periods and in a wider range of weather and sea conditions.’’

The 8.6 metre inboard-powered vessel represents a significant upgrade to the marine rescue capability in and around the Tumby Bay area.

The strong First Nations history and cultural ties to the area will be recognised through the boat being named ‘Yaragada’, which in the language of the traditional custodians, the Barngarla people, means ‘to seek or search’.

The new vessel will be jointly commissioned into service by the Minister for Emergency Services the Hon Joe Szakacs MP and Tumby Bay SES Unit Manager Joel Collings.

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