Celebrating 2 years of operation GMBA have announced their first global meeting to be held 14-17 March 2022 in Palma Mallorca. With 19 Consultants across 18 countries this is highlighted to be a key get together for the group.

Emerico Fuster
The GMBA event is being held at the Real Club Náutico de Palma (RCNP), a club chosen by the yachting edition Boot Magazine as one the 10 best yacht clubs in the world. Since its inception Real Club Nautico Palma has been recognized for its social and sports activities and has been a reference in Spain’s yachting world, as well as the driving force of international sailing events such as the Copa del Rey, the Trofeo SAR Princesa Sofía, PalmaVela or the Trofeo Ciutat de Palma, (the oldest sports competition in the Balearic Islands.) The clubs host more than 30 regattas per year. GMBA will be welcomed by the Club President, Emerico Fuster who stated, “We are excited to be the selected venue for the first
GMBA meeting and we look forward to showcasing the wonderful facilities and hospitality that our club is globally renown for. The club looks forward to hosting the group and ensuring their time in Palma is exceptional.”
Oscar Siches, GMBA Spain advised, “This is an important meeting for our group as due to the pandemic we have to date been unable to have face to face meetings. Given Palma’s location and marine history Palma was proposed for this event, which was accepted unanimously. We have an exciting programme allowing time for both business and pleasure. The group needs to address and discuss key issues the industry is facing and given our established operation it is important we now start to create some key policies. The commitment and generosity of the Royal Palma Yacht Club, the leading institution in Spain presided over by Emerico Fuster is providing GMBA with an excellent and comfortable place for our meeting.”

Diego Colon
Over the 2-day conference the GMBA team will visit Astilleros de Mallorca. Located in the Port of Palma, a short walk from the city centre, Astilleros de Mallorca was one of the first facilities of its kind to provide a full ‘one stop’ full Refit & Repair Superyacht Service Centre in Mediterranean Spain. More than 200 yachts are refitted or repaired at Astilleros de Mallorca every year, GMBA will be welcomed to the yard by CEO Diego Colon. Diego Colon commented, “We are very proud of our facility and looking forward to providing a tour of our facilities to the GMBA team. It is excellent that they choose Palma for their first meeting.”
On the second day of the meeting Anders Kurten, CEO of Baltic Yachts will be addressing the group on the topic of “The future of sustainable superyachting”. This will be followed by a visit to Baltic Yachts the world’s leading carbon yacht builder. Baltic Yachts take an in-house approach to yacht building with all disciplines controlled under one-roof, from design and engineering to woodworking and the latest composite manufacturing techniques. There is a team permanently based in Palma de Mallorca with backup and support from the yard in Finland. Anders said, “The superyacht industry including sailing yachts is experiencing a buoyant market right now both for new builds and refit services. We are also living in exciting times, as new sustainable technologies are widely embraced and sought after by owners and shipyards alike. Those yards who are technologically positioned to leverage this development will have significant opportunities over the following years. I am looking forward to speaking to the team at GMBA and showing them our facility in Palma.”

Anders Kurten Baltic Yachts
Jouko Huju, the inspiration behind GMBA stated, “The foundation for GMBA was laid some 2 years ago and we have come a long way since. It is exciting to finally be able to have a meeting with all the advisors together. We feel our position is established and it is important that we review the last 2 years and develop our focus for the next 2-5 years. We now have an excellent line up of experienced industry players and the work we are doing is certainly providing very positive feedback. With travel now back on everyone’s agenda we are looking forward to being present at
the key boat shows and events around the globe. It is fantastic that Oscar offered to host this first meeting and the turnout of consultants is impressive given they are coming from far and wide. Meeting face to face and strengthening relationships is important as we move forward and the whole group is excited by this prospect.”
Those wishing to contact GMBA in Australia can do so through MaryAnne Edwards or call +61 412 916 036