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Eliminate single-use plastics

The Boating Industry Association (BIA) say they support clean waterways and a sustainable marine environment.

“Like all industries, the boating industry has a responsibility to support and advocate for the sustainable use and responsible disposal of its products. This includes single-use plastics.”

Too much plastic ends up in the environment where it can pollute our waterways and oceans and endanger marine life.

The BIA has adopted the principle of phasing out single-use plastics that are only used once before they are thrown away such as plastic shopping bags, food packaging and straws.

The BIA has introduced a pledge for members to phase out single-use plastics by 2025. This is a voluntary program for the boating industry which supports the estimated 5 million people who go boating each year in Australia.

Definition: Single-use plastics, often also referred to as disposable plastics, are commonly used for plastic packaging and include items intended to be used only once before they are thrown away or recycled. These include, among other items, grocery bags, food packaging, bottles, straws, containers, cups and cutlery. Source: Single-use Plastics – A Roadmap for Sustainability, UN Environment (2018)

To support the pledge, please consider the following actions:

  • Remove the use of single-use plastic straws, cups, bags, utensils or bottles in your business;
  • Provide water bottles that are reusable and refillable;
  • Provide a way for staff and customers to refill water bottles;
  • Educate staff and customers about single-use plastic prevention, pollution prevention, recycling and local clean-ups;
  • Design a plan to Reduce Single-use Plastics from the business. Divide different items up rather than trying to eliminate all at the same time. Setting a timeline can help stick to a commitment;
  • Designate a Steward who will drive the changes to business practices and work with external stakeholders such as customers and suppliers;
  • Provide ample opportunity for recycling by customers;
  • Use signage such as the digital BIA pledge icon which can be downloaded here to show your commitment to the initiative and educate your customers; and
  • Provide sustainably sourced options to single-use cutlery and cups


  • Our organisation is committed to clean waterways and a sustainable waterway environment for our business success, and for our public to enjoy;
  • We acknowledge our responsibility and opportunity to help protect the waterway environment as a priority;
  • Our organisation acknowledges the harm single-use plastics have on the environment;
  • Our organisation is committed to reduce and eventually eliminate the use of single-use plastics at our business;
  • We understand that we need to proactively address the single use of plastics in our supply chain;
  • Our organisation pledges to eliminate the use of single-use plastics by 2025 at our business through changed business practices and recycling; and
  • We commit to monitoring our results and sharing our successes
Click here to sign the pledge