Breaking News:

EOI to manage Snug Cove

Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has now launched a formal call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) from Applicants with the vision, experience, capability and capacity to develop and operate a mixed-use marina development in partnership with NSW Government on land within the Snug Cove Maritime Precinct (the Precinct).

The mixed-use marina development the subject of this EOI is expected to include: a wet berth marina accommodating commercial and recreational vessels, marina operations facilities, boat repair and maintenance facilities, boat refuelling and pump-out facilities, commercial, retail, food and beverage, short-term accommodation, and public domain and car parking.
For more information or to submit your Expression of Interest, please refer to: eTendering – Transport for NSW (Roads and Maritime Projects) – Current Tender Detail View – IPD-RM-10052231.ROI.

The call for EOIs close on 5th December 2022.