Upcoming regional members’ meetings in Fremantle and Queensland
WA members’ meeting:
Date: Thursday 24th of November from 3:30pm-6:15pm
Venue: Fremantle Sailing Club, 151 Marine Terrace, Fremantle WA 6160
Craig Evans, CEO of FSC, welcomes anyone who would like a site tour of the Club’s extensive facilities to arrive at 2.30pm.
To RSVP, click here to register on the website or please contact Greta Quealy at info@marinas.net.au.
South East Queensland members’ meeting:
Date: Tuesday 29th November from 3:30pm-6pm
Venue: Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron, 578 Royal Esplanade, Manly 4179
Karen Baldwin, CEO of RQYS, welcomes anyone who would like a site tour of the Club’s extensive facilities to arrive at 2.30pm.
To RSVP, click here to register on the website or please contact Greta Quealy at
Enter now for the Nautilus Marine Insurance 2023 Marina of the Year Awards
Marinas and marine businesses are invited to enter the biennial Nautilus Marine Insurance Marina of the Year Awards (MOTYA).
MOTYA recognises excellence and leadership in the marina industry and presents important benchmarks for the industry and wider community. The prestigious awards provide finalists and winners with exceptional promotional and marketing opportunities.
Entries close on 10 February, 2023, with the award submissions closing on 15 March, 2023. The winners will be announced at the awards dinner at the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia on 16 May, 2023.
For more information on the MOTYA, click here.
To download the entry form click here.
Supplier Guide out now
The MIA 2022 Member Supplier Guide is out now.
Refer to the supplier guide for all your marina needs, whether it be for marina planning and design, fuelling, legal services, marina management software and more.
Click here to download your copy.
An online Marina Supplier Guide is currently under development – we’ll bring it to you as soon as we can.
Waterline out now
The September issue of Waterline is out now, we hope you enjoy reading it. Check out your copy here.
This edition features the marina design and maintenance feature plus much more.
The next edition will focus on yacht clubs. To be a part of this exciting edition, please contact Kellie at
Call out: Contribute to our new office walls
As you may already know, in September the MIA moved to a new office in North Sydney.
After more than a month in the new space, we are keen to decorate our empty walls with photos that celebrate the marina industry.
If you have a framed photo of your facilities, team or one of your projects that you’d like to see hanging in our office, please contact Greta Quealy at

Angela with Jett Collins from Sydney City Marine, who called by our office a couple of weeks ago.
Successful SCOM courses
In October, the MIA ran two Straddle Carrier Operations and Maintenance (SCOM) courses:
- October 15-16, public course at Savages Wharf, Victoria
- October 22-23, bespoke course at Gold Coast City Marina and Shipyard (GCCM), Queensland
Both courses were a tremendous success, with all participants gaining invaluable skills and knowledge on how to safely and successfully use a straddle carrier.
A big thank you to Savages Wharf and GCCM for hosting the courses and to presenter Neil Dorrington.
For more information on SCOM courses, click here or contact Angela at

Theory time at the GCCM SCOM course. Photo – Andrew Chapman

The course participants at Savages Wharf. Photo – Angela Mork