Marine Rescue Wooli Unit Commander Matthew McLennan has been recognised for 10 years of service with Marine Rescue NSW.

L to R: Wooli Unit Commander Matthew McLennan and Marine Rescue NSW Northern Zone Commander Mal Jeffs
Mr McLennan’s commitment to the agency and community he serves was celebrated at the Marine Rescue NSW Northern Rivers Regional Operations meeting in Ballina.
Marine Rescue Northern Zone Commander Mal Jeffs said Mr McLennan is a valued member of the agency.
“Matthew is an excellent communicator with exceptional interpersonal skills.
“The Wooli unit under Matthew’s leadership contributes significantly to keeping boaters safe in the area,” Mr Jeffs said.
Mr McLennan joined the Wooli unit in 2013 as a Crew member and has since earned ratings as a Radio Operator, Leading Crew and Coxswain.
“I feel proud to have been given the opportunity to train up to the skipper rating of Coxswain through Marine Rescue NSW,” Mr McLennan said.
The Northern Zone Commander said Mr McLennan has devoted a significant amount of time to Marine Rescue NSW in serving the community whist working as an Optometrist.
Mr McLennan spent two-years as Deputy Unit Commander at Wooli before being appointed Unit Commander in August 2022.
“I feel at a small unit like Wooli we have a sense of camaraderie amongst our crew that helps us work as an efficient team, given we generally train together regularly.
“A lot of the members in the unit have fuIl-time jobs, so the commitment provided by our volunteers is admirable,” Mr McLennan said.
The Wooli Unit Commander was presented with his 10-year service medal and epaulet by Mr Jeffs at the meeting.
“I have been fortunate enough to be on numerous assists and searches over the 10 years but the one assist that stands above all others is the rescue of the SV Mystic, for which a number of our unit were awarded Commissioner’s citations,” Mr McLennan said.
“It was a particularly difficult job in poor sea conditions at night.
“Our training, thanks to Richard Taffs stood us in good stead when things were quite dangerous,” he said.
Wooli volunteer Marten Hutchings who was also part of the SV Mystic rescue operation in January 2021 recently celebrated a milestone as well.
Mr Hutchings was awarded the 15-year medal for his service to Marine Rescue NSW.
The Wooli Unit Commander said Hutchings is one of the longest serving members in the unit and is highly respected for his seamanship.
“He grew up in Wooli, is the son of a professional fisherman and has spent countless hours at sea.
“He is well respected in the community.
“Marty is our go to man for any vessel engineering advice and qualified as a Coxswain in 2022.
“He is the first to admit he joined MRNSW, not for accolades but to assist the boating public when things go a bit pear shaped,” Mr McLennan said.
Hutchings was involved in two Mayday assists over consecutive days on March 4 and 5 spending a total of 15 hours at sea that weekend.
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