White sand cays, crystal clear water, cocktail parties and friendly swimming pigs: OneWater Yacht Group’s

The stunning turquoise waters of the Bahamas Image Credit: The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, Investments & Aviation
Eleven luxury motor yachts, including Michael and Tanya Quesnel’s Riviera 4700 Sport Yacht Monaco, departed Fort Lauderdale, Florida, at dawn on August 12 for a three-hour crossing to Bimini in the Bahamas.
“We have our Riviera in Florida, but we actually live in Vancouver, Canada, so we probably travelled the furthest to even start the Rendezvous,” Michael says. “We’ve cruised to the Bahamas three times before, so this for us was more about travelling with the OneWater crew and a bunch of people we’d never met before; not that you need much of an excuse to go to the Bahamas.”
That evening the Canadian couple, with their son James and the rest of the crews, enjoyed their first spectacular sunset on Rockwell Island with a cocktail party.
“The next day we travelled to the Exumas for more dinners and sightseeing. We swam with the pigs, explored the Thunderball grotto of James Bond fame and snorkelled among the fish and coral. The entrance to the grotto is underwater so you have to snorkel through a short tunnel to enter the cave system,” Michael explains. The unusual sight of swimming pigs on Big Major Cay is a major drawcard for sailors. “It was a great experience for our son James. We were lucky the president of OneWater had his son there too, he is a similar age so they could spend time together swimming and playing at the beach while the adults enjoyed their cocktail parties.”
The benefits of joining an organised experience are many: seeing new places, meeting new friends and perhaps the most indulgent is being able to leave the trip organising and planning to someone else.
“It’s really a nice break from having to organise yourself. We enjoyed the schedule, it wasn’t too rushed and we could relax,” Michael says. “For me, the social aspect was really good,” Tanya adds. “Boating communities are friendly and generally eager to have a chat and a glass of wine on the deck. It’s nice to hear about other people’s perspectives on why they chose a Riviera and the particular model they did. We love the quality of the build and other owners feel the same way; you can feel really confident in your boat,” she explains. “I loved the trip overall (I) loved that clear, shallow water to swim in and we just enjoyed the Riviera so much. It’s really easy for when we’re snorkelling to get on and off the deck, and we’re thrilled with the dinghy [garage] where we can store the paddle boards, snorkel and dive gear. It all works really well for us.”
After visiting Chub Cay and a long 121nm journey to Staniel Cay, the flotilla continued on another 75nm to Atlantis Resort and Marina.

Robyn’s Nest leaving Staniel Cay and heading towards the Atlantis Resort and Marina

As the VIP, Coco gets plenty of attention aboard Robyn’s Nest

Monaco, Michael and Tanya Quesnel’s Riviera 4700 Sport Yacht
Robyn and Jonathan Lefcourt, owners of Riviera 645 Robyns Nest, made the most of the two nights and downtime at the Atlantis, on Nassau Island, to meet new people.
“I think the camaraderie on a trip like this is valuable, and (so is) the opportunity to meet new people and get to know each other. Boating is a fantastic way to form friendships,” Robyn says. “We did a substantial amount of boating on the trip. Some of us were very seasoned boaters and some were pretty new to boating, so it was a nice mix and good for those not as experienced to have safety in numbers,” she says. The Lefcourts acquired their first boat together in 1986. “I think of all the boats we’ve owned over the years, the Riviera is one of our favourites. I enjoy the fact it’s a very seaworthy vessel and that there are no stairs, steps or ladders, so it’s a very easy boat to get around. I love the outdoor seating area on the bow and I love the mezzanine deck. My husband fishes, so having that sized cockpit is amazing. Fishing in the Bahamas is fantastic.”
Reflecting on the Rendezvous, Robyn admits she would have liked to have spent more time in the Exuma Cays. “The beauty is unparalleled; it’s a lovely, lovely destination. There’s so much to do there, so much nature, all the snorkelling and water sports. I think we stayed three nights; it would have been nice to stay three weeks or three years. Oh gosh, the weather was just beautiful. We were very lucky.”
At last it was back to Bimini where OneWater hosted a farewell dinner – the perfect ending to an epic trip. “Obviously we’re looking forward to another Rendezvous,” Robyn says. “The Riviera handled magnificently; it’s a fantastic boat and we’re very happy Riviera owners.”
For more information visit www.rivieraaustralia.com