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Nurturing Tomorrow’s Technicians

Yamaha Training Academy’s In-Schools Program

For the past three years, the Yamaha Motor Australia External Training Academy has been making remarkable strides in connecting with high school students through its innovative in-schools program. With a clear objective of introducing the next generation of school leavers with the prospects of a career as a Yamaha technician, these school visits are yielding great results.

What began with an invitation from one school to speak with students eager to gain insights into potential career paths with Yamaha, quickly flourished with nine additional schools now on board and more wanting to join in 2024. “Initially, we were providing students with details of the career options available as a technician for our Land Mobility products,” explains Cory Hillsley, Manager of the Yamaha Training Academy. “However, we quickly identified an opportunity to broaden the program’s scope to include the marine sector.”

Cory also revealed some unexpected successes of the program; the ability to engage students who may otherwise feel disconnected or disinterested in traditional schooling, and a growing interest from female students. “As well as capturing the imagination of students that seem to struggle with the regular schooling curriculum, the program has also seen increased participation from girls,” he said. “This has led to invitations from all-girls schools and work experience opportunities through our dealer network that provides young women with firsthand experience as a Yamaha technician. Australia’s workforce is witnessing a fundamental change in the perception of traditionally male-dominated careers,” he added. “The next generation of school leavers, male and female, is driving this.”

The Yamaha Motor Australia program shares similarities with the Omoshiro Engine Lab initiative conducted by Yamaha Motor head office in Japan. Both programs aim to instil the spirit of Monozukuri – emphasising craftsmanship and excellence in product creation.

The External Training Academy offers various exciting programs, including Motorcycle Technical, where students assemble a motorcycle following the manual and perform pre-start checks. The Marine Technical program involves basic engine checks, inspections, water pump replacement, and engine test runs. ff students are more interested in taking to the skies with the Yamaha Sky Division, the Drone Accreditation covers the rules and regulations of flying a drone and includes completing a CASA online exam.

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