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Capria’s remote drystack operations create profits

Being faced with more customers than available storage or expansion space is a good problem to have, but it’s still lost revenue. To continue to expand their customer base, many savvy drystack owners are locating additional storage buildings offsite. With a state-of-the-art CAPRIA semi-automated Stacker Crane and a form of ground transport, businesses can add hundreds of extra boats for daily launching and long-term storage — and dramatically boost their operation’s bottom line.

CAPRIA Stacker Cranes are offered in two styles. A top-running version utilises an overhead gantry, while the bottom-running model rides along rails set outside the racks. Both configurations can use narrower aisles and store higher than is typical when using a forklift. This better use of a building’s entire square footage also adds to profitability.

The operator of a CAPRIA Stacker Crane is always at fork level to the boat, so there’s little chance of pulling it off centre. Plus, because the axial geometry is regulated by the machinery, accidental bumps are virtually eliminated.

In an off-site drystack facility, the crane operator is notified of a launch request. The boat is pulled from its rack and the Stacker Crane places it on an awaiting yard trailer to be transported to the launch site. Then, a standard marina forklift can lower the vessel into the water.

Integrating a CAPRIA Stacker Crane into a new or current drystack operation is straightforward. Neither of the configurations requires a solid floor, lessening construction costs.

Stacker Cranes are CE-marked and manufactured to ISO 9001 standards. They can be built to accommodate vessels up to 13m long, weighing 9,980kg. Being fully electric, they’re quiet and fume-free for a pleasant, eco-friendly work environment. Ultra-reliable CAPRIA cranes will see a service life of over 30 years, with very little maintenance needed, compared to a forklift with a 10-year lifespan.

CAPRIA S.A. has manufactured precision heavy machinery for over 50 years and marine systems for over 20 years. With drystack installations around the world, it has a proven record of improving profits for its customers.

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