The International BoatBuilders’ Exhibition and Conference (IBEX) announced today that it has scheduled a slate of networking and special events to bring together industry professionals during the Show, to be held September 27-29, 2022, at the Tampa Convention Center. Owned and produced by the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) and RAI Amsterdam, IBEX is North America’s largest trade event for marine industry professionals.
New for 2022, on Wednesday, September 28th at 4 p.m. in the Tech Talk Theater, the Emerging Marine Leaders (EMLs) will present the Strengthening Leadership through Brand Development and Networking session, hosted by Boating Industry. Attendees can connect, learn, and share by joining EMLs and industry veterans during this two-part event. Programming will begin with a presentation from Marissa Russo, Assistant Director of Career Readiness, University of Tampa. Through an activity-based approach, attendees will engage in topics around the importance of building a personal brand, networking with leadership and mentorship. Following, these newly developed skills will be used during a private social networking event. The program is free to attend. In addition to registering to attend IBEX, registration to the event is requested by clicking here.
Workforce development has become an important issue over the past several years and the industry is taking a keen interest in attracting new workers while nurturing aspirations and developing necessary skills for both the workers and manufacturers to succeed. To that end, the American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC), in partnership with IBEX, will host another new event for this year: a Career Day. On Thursday, September 29th, ABYC and IBEX will welcome students from six Florida marine technical schools (age 18+) along with their instructors. Over 35 students are expected to attend this special one-day event. This dynamic, first-of-its-kind program offers students industry experience, exposure to exhibitors and their products, and access to select IBEX technical seminars.
In addition, the All-Industry Exhibit Hall Happy Hour returns this year on Wednesday, September 28th. Sponsored by Hertz Marine, the event provides exhibitors and attendees a networking event during show hours which encourages business to be conducted in a more relaxed and casual atmosphere.
“We are constantly developing new ways to promote connection during IBEX,” said Anne Dunbar, IBEX Show Director. “While many of our long-time visitors and exhibitors are familiar with staple events like the Industry Breakfast and Opening Night Party, we are pleased to be bringing back the Wednesday night All-Industry Exhibit Hall Happy Hour and rolling out a new and improved Emerging Marine Leaders networking session with Boating Industry. These are just some of the exciting events we have planned for IBEX. Our website is constantly being updated with new events, so that’s your source for complete information on all things IBEX.”
As is traditional for IBEX, on Tuesday, September 27th, the Industry Breakfast, Keynote and Innovation Awards presentation formally kicks off the Show and gives all in attendance the opportunity to begin their show experience networking with friends and colleagues.

Jack Uldrich
This year, the Industry Breakfast will be held at the Tampa Marriott Water Street, and will include an Industry Address from Frank Hugelmeyer, NMMA President; the presentation of the IBEX Innovation Awards; and the recipients of the NMMA Hall of Fame Award and the National Marine Representatives Association (NMRA) Mel Barr Award. The keynote speaker is Jack Uldrich, a well-recognized global futurist, speaker, and the author of thirteen books, including award-winning best sellers. He regularly makes television appearances and is also an ongoing contributor on emerging technologies and future trends for a number of publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Wired Magazine, and Inc. The Breakfast is sponsored by AWLGRIP North America, Interlux Yacht Finishes, Protomet Corporation, Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF), Sea Hawk Paints, and Tides Marine Inc. Tickets are $50 and seating is limited and expected to sell out. Tickets can be purchased during registration.
Other events are scheduled throughout the days of the Show, including the Soundings Trade Only Women in the Industry Summit and Industry Leadership Panel on Monday, September 26th; the Opening Night Party, sponsored by Wet Sounds Inc.; Pitch the Press with a happy hour to follow, sponsored by Propspeed; and a Mid-Show Mixer held outside at the Sail Pavilion, sponsored by Roswell Marine. The IBEX daily schedule can be found at and special events can be found at
Visitors can click here to register. For exhibitors looking to add booth staff, click here for exhibitor registration. Accredited press planning to cover the show and products on display can click here for media registration. Due to high demand and early bookings, Show management strongly recommends making hotel reservations soon by clicking here.
For more information on IBEX 2022, exhibiting companies, interactive exhibit hall floor plans, and more, please visit To learn about the products, services, and companies that are driving the future of marine industry technology, click here to visit IBEX365. For the latest updates via social media, like and follow the IBEX Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages.