Breaking News:
Association News

News from the office of the Boating Industry Association

The following are some interesting snippets from this weeks BIA eNews.

Queensland Jobs Strategy

Demand for jobs is strong across the marine sector and that is certainly the case in Queensland.

BIA is looking to make a submission to the development of a new Queensland Vocational Education and Training Strategy to drive the Government’s annual $1.2 billion investment in skills and training.

Members who would like to contribute to the BIA submission can email BIA Advocacy with appropriate case studies, experiences or data to highlight demand at . Members can also head to the State Government website and complete their own input to the online survey.

The closing date for submissions and survey responses is 5pm, Friday 18 August.

OTSI & DCV Survey

The Office of Transport Safety Investigations (OTSI) is seeking to better understand the safety induction experiences of different domestic commercial vessel crews. Their aim is to help improve safety for crew and passengers.

Limited data from past safety investigations and incident reports, as well as anecdotal information, suggests that ineffective induction practices may be affecting the ability of crew to respond appropriately in an emergency situation, especially if they are casual crew working on an unfamiliar vessel.

To have your say go to the survey which closes at 5pm, Friday 14 July.

Boatyard industry forum at SIBS

BIA members with a working boatyard are invited to join their peers for a Boatyard Industry Forum at the Sydney International Boat Show. This will be an opportunity to meet, network, discuss issues and share solutions with your peers in this sector.

Topics to be covered include Safe Marine Business; technical product briefings; trades skills and training; and boat maintenance capacity requirements.

The forum will be held 12pm to 2pm on Saturday 5 August. Spaces are limited to 30, so please RSVP to David James at by 21 July.

Great Keppel Island daft Master Plan

The Queensland Government is seeking feedback on its draft Master Plan for Great Keppel Island.

BIA will be making a submission to the plan to support future opportunities in boating and the boating industry. Members who would like to contribute to the BIA submission can email BIA Advocacy at .

The BIA encourages members to add their own comments by heading to the online survey and Have Your Say.

The deadline for comment is 21 August.

Managing fire risks on domestic commercial vessels

The Office of Transport Safety Investigations (OTSI) has issued a Safety Advisory SA04/23 on managing fire risks on domestic commercial vessels in response to a vessel fire on Sydney Harbour in February 2023 where a 10 metre Seawind catamaran caught fire approximately 100 metres east of Barangaroo. All 20 passengers and two crew were safety evacuated.

The Safety Advisory highlights the importance of risk identification and emergency management plans, including, training/induction, emergency preparedness and the use of emergency equipment in responding to fires.

Domestic commercial vessel (DCV) operators should conduct regular risk assessments of emergency response procedures paying attention to the location of emergency equipment and how to access it under different scenarios.

You can access Safety Advisory SA04/23 – Managing fire risks on domestic commercial vessels on the OTSI website.

SA Small Business Strategy 2023-2030

The Government of South Australia has launched a new Small Business Strategy 2023-2030, outlining how the Government’s policies and programs will support and empower business owners and managers to take your small business to new heights.

The strategy aims to create jobs, build the SA economy and – most importantly – future-proof South Australia’s 150,000 small businesses.

There are 20 initiatives within six themes designed to support small businesses in SA to adapt, grow and succeed, help you respond to challenges and recover from adversity, and take advantage of new opportunities.

Review your PPSR registrations

Many businesses use start of the financial year as an opportunity to review their existing PPSR registrations, and ensure they are accurate and current.

Take some time to review your registrations, determine if they’re still required and make sure that important details like your address for service and end date are correct.

More information about your responsibilities for managing and maintaining registrations is available in the Responsible PPSR Registration Management guide.

This guide provides information about what is considered best practice when registering security interests on the PPSR.

DCV operational safety workshops

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority will be delivering a series of workshops to explain upcoming changes to the Domestic Commercial Vessel operational safety standards, coming into effect on 1 August 2023. The workshops will address:

  • New requirements for crewing numbers
  • Fatigue and minimum crewing
  • Risk assessment document and access by the crew
  • Onboard safety training and drills
  • Issue reporting and escalation
  • Lifejacket wear a key part of risk assessment

BIA members who own or operate DCV are recommended to attend a workshop to ensure they are up to date with new requirements.

Workshops will be presented around the country throughout August, with three online sessions also available in the next two weeks.

Click here for more information and to register!

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